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         Course dates 15th May to 18th May 2024

Pre Course Learning
•  8 hours of online classes
•  Classes delivered by International faculty
•  Topics covered
    o    Ace the PACES
    o    Ethical issues for PACES candidates
    o    Getting it right in the communication station
    o    Presentation of findings to the examiner
    o    Examination: Mistakes made by candidates
    o    Brief consultation station 
The classes will be recorded and will be made available to you for a limited period of time online to revise what you have learnt.

Course Time table

We start promptly at 0830 hrs and finish at 1730 hrs. We cover all PACES stations

Day starts by demonstration of correct technique by our experienced tutors. You also learn common mistakes observed by tutors and learn on skills to avoid common mistakes. On the last day of the course each candidate will be given one mock exam marked by tutors and results will be given as in real exam.  Detailed feedback is provided to improve your performance in your real exam.

Candidates will have the opportunity to see cases, present them to the tutor and gain valuable feedback.


Tentative Day 1

0830: Registration

0845: Introduction and plan of the day

0900: Making the best from the course: Stations   and tips for each station

0930: Cases: Respiratory, Abdomen

1130: Coffee break

1145: Cases: Respiratory, Abdomen

1330 Lunch break

1430: Clinical consultation station: Technique

1500: Clinical consultation station: Practice

1700: Debrief  






Tentative Day 2

0830: Registration

0845: Introduction and plan of the day

0900: Demystifying PACES: How not to fail the exam

0930: Cases: Cardiology, Neurology

1130: Coffee break

1145: Cases: Cardiology, Neurology

1330 Lunch break

1430: Communication and ethics station: Technique

1500: Communication and ethics: Practice

1700: Debrief


Tentative Day 3

0830: Registration

0845: Introduction and plan of the day

0900: Markings and how to use to your advantage

0930: Talking station: practice

1130: Coffee break

1145: Talking station: practice

1330: Lunch break

1430: Cases: all speciality

1500: Cases: all speciality

1700: Debrief









Tentative Day 4

0830: Registration

0845: Introduction and plan of the day

0900: Getting ready for your exam

0930: Practice: Cases and talking stations

1130: Coffee break

1145: Practice: Cases and talking stations

1300: Lunch break

1400: Mock Exam

1700: Results and feedback

1700: Course evaluation and closure


During the PACES exam, candidates rotate through a series of clinical stations. These stations are designed to simulate real-life patient encounters and test the candidate's clinical examination, communication, and diagnostic skills.

The PACES carousal is changing from Oct 2023. The changes now include encounters as follows:

Station 1:  Communication and Respiratory (10 min each)

Station 2: Consultation (20 minutes)

Station 3: Cardiovascular and Neurology (10 minutes each)

Station 4: Abdominal and communication (10 minutes each)

Station 5: Consultation (20 minutes)

There is no history taking station from Oct 2023 and the communication station is marked based on communication of the candidate with the patient. Consultation station are now what used to be station five but longer giving candidates an opportunity to take comprehensive history, perform relevant clinical examination and discuss diagnosis  and investigations with the patient. They should also address any concerns the patient may have.

The format of PACES training course will be modified as per the latest guidelines.



There are five defined parameters on which the examiners will test you. These parameters are as follows:

A – Physical examination
B – Identification of physical symptoms
C – Clinical communication
D – Differential diagnosis
E – Clinical judgement
F – Listening and managing patient’s key concerns
G – Treating a patient respectfully and communicating with the patient’s relatives

